2003 hat Robert Ehrenbrand den Bass bei Boysetsfire von Rob Avery übernommen. Nun gibt er ihn wieder ab.
“So lange ihr uns weitermachen lasst, werden wir es auch tun.” Mit diesem Worten beenden Boysetsfire ihre Ausführungen auf ihrer FB-Seite. Robert Ehrenbrand scheidet in gegenseitigem Einvernehmen aus – das Ende der Band wird dies aber nicht bedeuten.
Im Januar will man ausloten, ob der Bruder von Schlagzeuger Matt Krupanski, Marc, das Zeug dazu hat die Nachfolge am Bass anzutreten.
Wer immer es auch werden wird: Boysetsfire spielen mit dem Neuzugang im kommenden Sommer bei Taubertal, Open Flair und Rocco Del Schlacko.
Hello everyone…
A lot going on in the BSF camp recently, and we have decided to inform you of it all in this short yet informative letter: first off, Robert will no longer be playing bass for us. It was a mutual decision, we are all still friends, and we wish him the best in his future endeavors. Secondly, we will all be getting together in January with our friend (and matt’s brother) marc, to write, practice, and see if he may be our next bass player. In addition to this, we will be playing two shows with him during a few fairly shorter sets (though we will play as long as possible) at Mojo Main in Newark, Delaware On January 5th, and The Note in West Chester, Pennsylvania on January 6th with our friends in All Else Failed. Also, the money we make from both shows will be donated to charity. We will soon post links to said charities, so you will know what you (and the band) will be supporting, and so you can also support these charities individually if you like. Thank you all for your support throughout these years, and we look forward to continuing on as long as you will let us.
BSFBoysetsfirevia Facebook