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Danny Worsnop verlässt Asking Alexandria

23. Januar 2015

In der Nacht vom 22. auf den 23.01. verkündeten Asking Alexandria, dass sich Sänger Danny Worsnop aufgrund anderer musikalischer Interessen mit sofortiger Wirkung von der Band distanziert.

In dem offiziellen Statement spricht Lead-Gitarrist Ben Bruce jedoch davon, dass dies keinesfalls das Ende von Asking Alexandria sei, denn alle Mitglieder seien seit der Neugründung 2008 mit dabei und Asking Alexandria sei mehr als nur eine Person. Asking Alexandria sei eine Familie. Weiterhin wird deutlich, dass die verbliebenen Mitglieder derzeit an neuem Material arbeiten, welches sie mit einem neuen Sänger ins Studio tragen werden. Man darf gespannt sein, ob Asking Alexandria tatsächlich das “beste Album ihrer Karriere” schreiben und ob ein grandioser Sänger, wie Danny Worsnop, adäquat ersetzt werden kann.


04.-06.06. – Rock For People (CZE) [19.01]
05.-07.06. – Rock am Ring/Rock im Park
11.-13.06. – Greenfield
12.-14.06. – Nova Rock
12.-14.06. – Orange Warsaw (POL)
19.06. -FR- Graspop Metal Meeting (BEL)


09.06. -DI- Gilde Parkbühne, Hannover (Rawk Attack)
10.06. -MI- Alter Schlachthof, Dresden (Rawk Attack)


Das komplette Statement von Ben via Asking Alexandria:

It’s with heavy heart that I must announce, yet I am sure comes as no surprise to you all, that Danny has decided to leave Asking Alexandria to pursue other musical interests. Before you lose your composure and think this is the end I would like to say that myself, James, Cam and Sam have all been in this since day one. We love Asking Alexandria and we love every single fan/AAFamily member around the world. As with any family there are ups and downs. There are good times and hard times. A family is there to support you and help you in your darkest hours. We have been and always will be there for you guys and just this once we ask for you guys to help us out. Be our strength and our shoulder to lean on. Asking Alexandria will not be slowing down. We are going to tour harder than ever and we are going to write the greatest record of our career. We are extremely excited to announce that we will be spending all summer touring the European festival circuit and across North America on the Vans Warped tour with our new singer, playing a set list FOR THE FANS. We know you are here for us and we know this might seem like a scary time for us all, but we will be fine. We will stand tall and prove to the world that Asking Alexandria is bigger than just one person. It’s bigger than just myself, James, Cam and Sam. Asking Alexandria is a family made up of the most dedicated fans around the globe and nothing and no one can hold us down. This isn’t the end, this is the start of a whole new chapter. This is where we come together and make history. We want to thank the key people who have stood by us: Ash Avildsen and Sumerian Records, Kevin Lyman and Warped Tour, our management team Kyle, Diony and everyone at 5B, and most importantly YOU reading this. Yes you, because without you, Asking Alexandria would not be possible. I cannot wait to share our new songs with you and I’m so SO excited to get back on the road and see you all again. Stay tuned to find out who the new singer of AA is. Take care of yourselves, stay positive and we will see you all very soon.


Peter Detje