Ob Southside/Hurricane, Highfield oder Frequency – die Foo Fighters sind aus dem Festivalsommer 2011 nicht wegzudenken. Es war “anstrengend…. aber großartig”, kommentiert Dave Grohl rückblickend. Gleichzeitig gibt der Frontmann seinen Fans einen Ausblick an die Hand: “There are still more shows to play, more songs to write, more albums to record, for years to come”. Und die Arbeiten für den “Wasting Lights”-Nachfolger beginnen schon 2012.

Zunächst aber ein Rückblick auf 2011: “Wasting Lights”, das siebte Studioalbum der Band, entstand in Grohls Garage und wurde von Butch Vig komplett analog produziert. Erfolgreich war es dennoch – vielleicht sogar gerade deswegen: Länderübergreifend holten die Foo Fighters die Nummer-Eins-Platzierung in den Charts. Und mittlerweile ist die Band für einen Grammy in der Kategorie “Album Of The Year” nominiert.
“Wir hatten die besten Auftritte unseres Lebens”, resümiert Grohl die Live-Aktivitäten der Band im Jahr 2011. Vom Geheim-Gig in Garagen der Fans, bis hin zu Festival-Auftritten, gefüllten Hallen oder Stadien. “Danke, dass ihr gekommen seid, um die 2 Stunden und 45 Minuten mit uns zu verbingen”. Anstrengend war’s, aber großartig. Das gilt für Band wie Fans wohl gleichermaßen.
Das komplette Statement Dave Grohls liest sich wiefolgt:
Hey everybody,
Dave here. It’s been quite a while since I’ve sat down to write something for you guys, but as we’re coming to the end of an amazing tour and an amazing year, I figured I’d take this opportunity to say thank you….
Where do I begin?
Thank you all for making “Wasting Light” the most incredible album experience of our band’s 17 year history. For real. The fact that a rock and roll record, made in a garage, completely analog to tape with no help from computers, could be a #1 album around the world, AND get a Grammy nomination for “Album of the Year”…..well….these days that’s no small feat. It’s truly inspiring, and it makes us feel like the luckiest band in the world. So thanks. It means everything to us.
And the shows……from the secret club gigs, to playing in peoples garages all over the country…..from the arenas to the festivals to the stadiums….we’ve had the best gigs of our lives. Thank you so much to each and every one of you who came out and spent those 2 hours and 45 minutes with us every night. It’s been exhausting…..but it’s been a blast.
Looking back at the past 18 months, I don’t think we’ve ever worked so hard at making an album, and it ever being so easy. From day one, the idea for this record was to make something completely simple and honest, to capture that thing that happens when you put the 5 of us in a small room. No big production, just real rock and roll music: That’s why we decided to do it in my garage. We wanted to retain that human element, keep all of those beautiful imperfections: That’s why we went completely analog. And, most of all, we wanted it to sound huge: That’s why we decided to use Butch Vig. His role in this whole experience is huge, and he deserves a great ‘thanks’, too. Not many producers would accept the challenge that we handed him. He’s the best, for sure. Together, we made the album of a lifetime. Again.
And to all of you…..we’re not finished yet. There are still more shows to play, more songs to write, more albums to record, for years to come. I mean…..If you would have told me 17 years ago that in 2012 I would be writing songs for our 8th studio album….well…..
If it weren’t for you guys, we wouldn’t be here. We owe you so much.
Take care of yourselves.
We’ll see you out there, folks.