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Depeche Mode World Tour startet am 10.Mai 2009 in Israel – Neues Album erscheint im April 2009

6. Oktober 2008


Locker, gut gelaunt und mit optisch aufgefrischtem Bandlogo präsentierten sich Depeche Mode bei der Pressekonferenz in Berlin, die ihre Welttour “Tour Of The Universe” konkretisierte.

Etwa einen Monat vor dem Tourstart wird ein neues Album erscheinen. Den Titel wollten die 3 nicht verraten – allerdings war das Ziel, dass er mal wieder etwas arroganter wäre als die Titel der letzten Alben. Mehr wolle man aber noch nicht verraten. In ihrer mittlerweile schon 28 Jahre andauernden Bandkarriere haben sie stolze 75 Million Tonträger verkauft – da darf man ruhig auchmal einen etwas arroganten Albumtitel wählen.
Am 12ten Studioalbum wird seit etwa 4 Wochen intensiv in New York gearbeitet. Die Pressekonferenz in Berlin gönnte man sich als willkommene Kreativpause zwischen den Aufnahmearbeiten.

Starten wird die Welttour am 10.Mai 2009 im Ramat Gan Stadium zu Tel Aviv / Israel. Bis zum Ende der Tour am 11.Juli werden Depeche Mode insgesamt 28mal in Europa auftreten und rund 1,3 Million Zuschauer begeistern. Darunter auch 6mal in Deutschland. Und zwar:

02.06.2009 Hamburg (Tickets)
04.06.2009 Düsseldorf (Tickets)
07.06.2009 Leipzig (Tickets)
10.06.2009 Berlin (Tickets)
12.06.2009 Frankfurt (Tickets)
13.06.2009 München (Tickets)

In der Schweiz und in Österreich sind bisher übrigens keine Termine geplant.

2 Festivalauftritte sind im Rahmen der Tour bisher eingeplant. Zum einen wird man Depeche Mode beim TW Classic am 20.Juli im belgischen Werchter zu sehen bekommen. Der zweite Termin bildet gleichzeitig den Abschluss der Tour beim Super Bock Super Rock Festival in Portugal am 11.Juli.

Der Stream setzte verspätet etwa gegen 13:38 Uhr nach dem offiziellen Statement zum Fragenteil der Journalisten ein. Dieser entpuppte sich aber schnell als durchaus amüsant. Immer wieder brachte insbesondere Dave Gahan durch seine Statements die internationale Presseschar zum ausschweifenden Lachen. Über 30 Minuten beantworteten Depeche Mode Frage auf Frage und es war schliesslich an Leiter der Runde Marek die Pressekonferenz wild in die Kamera gestikulierend zu einem Ende zu bringen. Man hatte das Gefühl die Band selber hätte noch ewig weitermachen können und sogar wollen. Ich fühlte mich jedenfalls köstlich unterhalten.

Hier eine kurze Zusammenfassung des Geschehens:

Ticket prices very high. Berlin costs 55-65 Euro, with charges up to 80 euro? What do you think about that?

We are very very conscious about our ticket prices. we try to be as fair as we can. there are other contemporary bands out there which are much more expensive. we want to provide our fans a great show – and this costs money.

Who are the first Persons which listens to your new Songs?

Our Kids get to know the Songs if they want to. Sometimes we even got to force them to listen to them.

Will you change your Image for the new Tour Dave?

Probably not.

Do you have unfullfilled Dreams or Goals you want to reach? Things you like to do before the Band is over?

Its just been a fantastic surprise – our Band. We are very proud and fullfilled with what we achieved already. At the moment we think our upcoming album is getting a very good one which makes us happy.

You have written many sad Songs but you are the funniest Guys i have ever seen. Which part of the this is true?

We are no Comedians. We are funny and depresses as everyone else.

Are there Times when you are sick of each other?

Of course, if you are on the Road nearly a Year this happens – but it has never been unbearable.
It is hard work, but even a lot of Fun if you are doing a lot of Shows.
We have been in the Studio for 4 Weeks now – then you got to have a brake until you get back.

What about the new Logo?

the d and the m is something we talked about a lot. we didnt know if you would recognize them. you think to much!
More will be revealed.

What sound will the new Album have?

We are very aware of we have done before. The last record will not be the template though – we always try to do new Things. We have bought a lot of new electronic Equipment and we will use it.

What will be diffrent compared to the last Tour?

We are much better looking.
It is a little early. We got to think about Films and such Stuff. There are a lot People involved in what we do. It is always a Challenge for us to work with them bringing up new Ideas. The Tour will feature a lot of Songs from the upcoming Album.

What will the new Stage Outfit be?

We will only waer some black leather thongs – maybe some Wings.

The Official Website is not updated very often. Why?

To be fair, our Website just deals with the Truth. Others just deal with a lot of Rumors. So we just publish anything if an official announcment has to be made.

When will be the first video be out?

We havent talked about that jet.

You left out many big european Cities in yout Tour. Will you be back in europe in autumn?

We are not shure.

What will the Title of the new Album be?

We think it is time to have another very arrogant title- but we will not tell it to you now.

Have you thought about a Playlist jet?

Doing a setlist is very difficult because we have so many good old songs, even good live songs. We haven’t done this jet.

Why did you choose Berlin as a host fpr the Press Conference?

Berlin has given us a good time in earlier times and we spent a lot in time in here. On our last Tour we enjoyd the Soccer World Final here. So why not?

Your not going to the big Cities in Sweden. Instead you are visiting the countryside in Arvika. What do you know of Arvika?

We know its in Sweden – and know we even know its little.

Alle Termine im Überblick:
10 May 2009 Ramat Gan Stadium Tel Aviv Israel On Sale 10 Oct
12 May 2009 Terra Vibe Park Athens Greece On Sale 24 Oct
14 May 2009 Santral Istanbul Istanbul Turkey On Sale 01 Dec
16 May 2009 Parc Izvor Bucharest Romania On Sale 27 Oct
18 May 2009 Vasil Levski Stadium – Tuborg Greenfest Sofia Bulgaria On Sale 13 Oct
20 May 2009 USCE Park – Tuborg Greenfest Belgrade Serbia On Sale 13 Oct
21 May 2009 Arena – Tuborg Greenfest Zagreb Croatia On Sale 15 Oct
23 May 2009 Gwardia Stadium Warsaw Poland Register for Presale
25 May 2009 Skonto Stadium Riga Latvia On Sale 13 Oct
27 May 2009 Zalgirio Stadionas Vilnius Lithuania On Sale 20 Oct
30 May 2009 O2 Arena London UK Register for Presale
02 June 2009 HSH Nordbank Arena Hamburg Germany Register for Presale
04 June 2009 LTU Arena Dusseldorf Germany Register for Presale
07 June 2009 Zentralstadion Leipzig Germany Register for Presale
10 June 2009 Olympiastadion Berlin Germany Register for Presale
12 June 2009 Commerzbank Arena Frankfurt Germany Register for Presale
13 June 2009 Olympiastadion Munich Germany Register for Presale
16 June 2009 Stadio Olimpico Rome Italy On Sale 16 Oct
18 June 2009 Stadio San Siro Milan Italy On Sale 16 Oct
20 June 2009 TW Classic Festival Werchter Belgium On Sale 11 Oct
22 June 2009 Inter Stadium Bratislava Slovakia On Sale 8 Oct
23 June 2009 Puskas Ferenc Stadium Budapest Hungary On Sale 28 Oct
25 June 2009 Slavia Stadium Czech Republic Prague On Sale 8 Oct
27 June 2009 Venue details to be announced soon Paris France On Sale 5 Dec
30 June 2009 Parken Stadium Copenhagen Denmark Register for Presale
02 July 2009 Koengen Bergen Norway On Sale 17 Oct
03 July 2009 Arvika Festival Arvika Sweden On Sale 13 Oct
11 July 2009 Super Bock Super Rock Festival Porto Portugal On Sale 6 Oct

Thomas Peter

ein diplomierter Biologe mit starkem Hang zu Fotokamera und der besonderen Festivalatmosphäre.