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Rock am Ring & Rock im Park wohl ohne Sum41

Kerstin Schmidt

Festivalfficionado, Fotodude

Neurobiologe, Festivalliebhaber. Verdient seine Brötchen mit Webseitenkonsulting (Strategische Planung, Erstellung, Pflege) bei 70six.de.

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Aktuellen Ereignissen zu Folge werden Rock am Ring & Rock im Park wohl ohneSum41 stattfinden müssen. Hier das offizielle Statement der Band:

Important Update

It’s unfortunate to say but we are forced to postpone some upcoming European Tour dates. Stevo was in a minor accident yesterday and is unable to get on a airplane to fly to Europe to perform. Anyone who knows our band, knows that touring is our life and is the primary reason we play music. We are completely and utterly bummed out and we all wish Stevo a speedy recovery.

We want to sincerely apologize to our fans in the cities we can’t make it to and we promise to return to them in a few months. We will reschedule any dates that we unfortunately had to cancel in Europe asap.

See you all soon.

The Sums

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