Mit einem Statement hat das Øya Festival auf die traurigen Ereignisse in Norwegen reagiert. Das Festival in Oslo findet wie geplant statt. Die Veranstalter erklären: “We wish to take our city back. Festivals, concerts and other cultural or sports events are meant to be arenas for common experiences, unity and positive impressions during hard times.”

“The last few days have been heavy and unreal”
“These are times for mourning and reflection”, kommentieren die Veranstalter. Die Gedanken seien bei den Angehörigen. Man wisse, dass es Zeit brauchen werde, um das Erlebte zu verarbeiten.
Dennoch haben die Osloer Veranstalter von Konzerten und Events im Einklang beschlossen, weiter zu machen. Auch Polizei, Regierung und Publikum hätten den Wunsch geäußert, Oslo möglichst schnell zur Realität zurückzubringen.
Man hoffe, dass Musik und Festivals dabei helfen, den Schmerz zu lindern. Die Veanstaltungen seien ein guter Treffpunkt für die kommenden Tage und Wochen.
Man wolle Olso wieder mit der großen Vielfalt von kulturellen Aktivitäten füllen, für welche die Stadt bekannt ist. Vom 9. – 13. August findet das Øya Festival in diesem Jahr statt. Gebucht wurden unter anderem Kanye West und Pulp.
Taking Oslo Back
“The last few days have been heavy and unreal. Our thoughts go out to everyone who has lost someone or in some other way has been affected by the tragedy in the centre of Oslo and at Utøya. We send our condolences and compassion to the people who are struggling right now. These are times for mourning and reflection, and we know that many will now have to use all their time and energy on working through what has happened. In the midst of all this, we find it important that our city and its citizens shall not be broken by what happened this weekend. Organisers of concerts and events in Oslo have jointly agreed that this shall not stop us. The Police, the Government and the general audience have expressed a strong wish that Oslo resumes some kind of normality as soon as possible. Together with the population of Oslo and visitors from abroad we wish to take our city back. Festivals, concerts and other cultural or sports events are meant to be arenas for common experiences, unity and positive impressions during hard times. We hope that our events can help ease the sadness and also be good meeting places in the days and weeks to come. We wish to take Oslo back by once again filling it with the great variety of cultural activities this city is known for and also by spreading a clear message that our population wants to take care of each other.”
Veranstalter des Oya-Festivals